+44 (0) 1603 937800 — Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm UK time (currently 4:14pm in the UK)
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People Tracing

Customers who have moved and failed to inform their financial services provider (gone aways) can be problematic, not only because the provider is unable to communicate with them but the provider may also no longer be fulfilling regulatory obligations.

Finding customers and members to enable re-engagement is The Tracing Group's core service. Service level options include complete verification or simply providing a new address without making contact.


  • Prevent Fraud
  • Manage Liability
  • Meet Regulations
  • Save Money
  • Increase Customer Confidence
  • Improve Scheme Efficiency

Get in touch to discuss your people tracing needs with us today.

Get in touch

Interested in how we could help you?

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function submitForm(formId) { const form = document.getElementById(formId); const formData = new FormData(form); fetch('/api/contact', { method: 'POST', body: formData }) .then(response => { if(response.ok) { form.classList.remove('fail'); form.classList.remove('ratelimit'); form.classList.add('success'); form.reset(); } else if(response.status === 429) { form.classList.remove('success'); form.classList.remove('fail'); form.classList.add('ratelimit'); } else { form.classList.remove('success'); form.classList.remove('ratelimit'); form.classList.add('fail'); } }); }