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Virtual Events Aim to Educate Young People About Child Trust Funds

Katee Herren    2nd July, 2021

As a key part of the campaign to raise awareness of unclaimed Child Trust Funds among young people, Sharefound is providing a series of virtual events for any young person aged 16 and over and born in the UK from 1 September 2002. The events are specially designed for those who don’t know about their Child Trust Fund account, which is likely to be worth £1,000 or more.

The virtual events are organised on Zoom for audiences of 300-1000 young people, and are being publicised in schools, local authorities and all channels likely to reach teenagers. 

The Tracing Group’s founder, Danielle Higgins, is assisting with these events in her role as a volunteer CTF Ambassador. “I’m delighted to be part of this important initiative offering support and advice to young people as they track down their Child Trust Fund. Sharefound must be commended for delivering such an extensive education programme which promises to reach thousands of young people across the UK,” explains Danielle.

The event starts with two short video presentations after a brief introduction and a poll to assess general awareness of the account. Young people learn about what a Child Trust fund is and why they may have one in their name. Then the second presentation explores how to find a Child Trust Fund account and the options available to a young person once they find it.

After this information has been shared, small groups of young people are divided into break out sessions, each supported by a CTF Ambassador like Danielle. “The break out sessions provide the young people with the perfect opportunity to ask any burning questions and seek reassurance and further information about the process of tracing their Child Trust Fund,” continues Danielle, who will participate in these virtual events over the next five months. 

After the break out sessions close, the young people reconvene for a final session on financial awareness which aims to improve their money knowledge. The purpose of these virtual events is to help young people find their accounts: there is no charge of any kind. The events are professionally managed and recorded. Further information can be found on the Sharefound website. 

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